On the basis of the previous work, the authors make an estimation about power density within the beam covered area. 推导了无线电波传输路径上各点经纬度及高度坐标等参数,并在此基础上进行了波束覆盖区功率密度的估算。
Furthermore, the size of areal features is measured by its covered area. 面实体的大小通过其覆盖面积来度量。
The coal and limestone yards shall have a roofed covered area corresponding to the hopper zone and a portion of the materials pile to be transported by conveyor belts to the pulverizer. 煤料和石灰石场应有一个屋面遮盖区,用以遮盖漏斗区以及通过传送带输送至粉碎机的材料堆。
Applied research on high-density resistivity tomography in cobble covered area 高密度电法在卵石覆盖区中的应用研究
Ordovician Carbonate Reservoir Evaluation in Salt Covered Area of Tahe Oilfeild; The salt water, being more dense, flows upstream under the fresh water which is flowing downstream. 塔河油田盐下地区奥陶系碳酸盐岩储层评价淡水在上层向下流动,比重更大的盐水在下层逆流向上。
The results of drilling tests proves that the remaining compressive strength, electromagnetic wave speed, and the covered area of electromagnetic wave amplitude are related. 实验最后以钻心试验印证了,混凝土火害后残馀强度与电磁波波速以及电磁波其振幅包覆之面积是有相关连的。
Design and Implementation Index for Mobile Objects Based on Covered Area 基于区域覆盖的移动对象索引的设计与实现
Covered area of a part to prevent coverage by powder during application. 在喷涂之前,对防止粉末覆盖的工件的这部分的掩蔽。
Conclusion When designing a valplast denture, the covered area of gingiva by the clasp should be reduced. The margin of the clasp should be far from the margin of gingiva. 结论弹性义齿卡环设计时应尽量减少覆盖牙龈的面积,避免卡环边缘终止于龈缘处。
Then the SAR imagery is classified to low-reflection area, vegetation covered area and built-up area using support vector machine classifier. 然后利用支持向量机对图像进行分类,将SAR图像分为低反射率区域、城市建筑区和植被覆盖区。
The research history, current situation and significance of prospecting technology and means in the primeval forest covered area are summarized. 文章综述了原始森林覆盖区勘查技术方法研究历史、现状及意义。
It is also indicated that no anomaly can be found in the covered area by thick beds by using regular geochemical exploration methods, but better anomalies with high strength, obvious contrast and identical location with the ore bodies can be discovered by using the new methods. 表明在常规化探方法反映不出异常的厚层覆盖区,新方法能测出强度高、衬度大且与矿体位置吻合较好的异常。
It can discover hidden and camouflaged goal such as camouflaged underground missile launching silo, ground object in the fog covered area and so on. 它能发现隐蔽和伪装的目标,如识别伪装的导弹地下发射井、识别云雾笼罩地区的地面目标等。
Satellite-and airborne-derived measurements of snow covered area have been used in snowmelt runoff models. 机载和星载遥感数据提取的雪盖面积是融雪径流模型的重要组成部分。
Cloud Detection Based on Texture Analysis and SVM over Ice-snow Covered Area 基于纹理分析和支持向量机的极地冰雪覆盖区的云层检测
The main system functions are configured according to the requirement of covered area. Three network constituting schemes and two operating modes are proposed according to the general system design principles. 根据系统的监控范围要求对系统的主要功能进行配置,根据系统总体设计原则提出3种网络构成方案以及2种工作模式。
The occupied area ( Am) of a sodium dodecyl benzene sulphonate ( SDBS) molecule adsorbed on PEA latex particles and the covered area ratio on particle surfaces under various surfactant contents were measured. 测定了乳化剂十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)分子在聚丙烯酸乙酯(PEA)乳胶粒表面的覆盖面积Am和不同乳化剂用量下胶乳的表面覆盖率φ。
Increase of water covered area is mainly from tidal flat and dry agricultural land. 水体面积也有明显增加,其来源主要是滩地和旱地。
Alteration Information Abstraction at Vegetation Covered Area Using Multidimensional Space Angle Method 多维空间角度方法提取植被覆盖区蚀变信息
The geological mapping aimed at tracing the structures of the Sanshandao gold deposit was carried out in the Cangshang Covered Area in1979, with the ground magnetic survey being the essential work. 本文介绍的是以地面磁法测量为主,于1979年在仓上覆盖区,以追索三山岛金矿构造为目的地质填图工作。
Research of Mobile Metal Ion in Loess Covered Area 金属活动态在黄土覆盖区的技术研究
Suitable geochemical and geophysical methods are initially defined in the primeval forest covered area by studying the exploration means of a ( 1:200 000) geochemical anomaly. 通过对区内某1∶20万化探异常进行追踪、查证方法的实验性研究,初步确定适合原始森林覆盖区的物探方法和化探方法。
The study results indicate that the penetrability in the solid lubricants of soft metal Pb element is better than the Sn element. When the average covered area is 31. 67%, the frictional coefficient is lower. A sweating self-lubricating covered somatic cell model is established. 研究表明:软金属铅元素在固体润滑剂中的渗透性比锡元素好,且当摩擦表面润滑膜的平均覆盖面积为31.67%时,可获得较低的摩擦系数。
As the largest industry, covered area of tourism throughout the whole world, have relation with each of other industry, and the tourist can be found everywhere, and tourism activities have been the most frequent human activities. 旅游业作为全球最大的产业,覆盖范围遍及全球,与其他各个行业存在着关联,涉及的旅游者更是遍布全球各地,旅游活动成为全球最为频繁的人类活动。
AM broadcast has some advantage, such as farness of the transmission distance, extensive covered area. So it is one of the best way to achieve national 、 international broadcast cover. 调幅广播具有传播距离远,覆盖范围广的优点,是实现地区性,全国性及国际性广播覆盖的最佳手段之一。
Vegetation water supply index method is one of the soil moisture monitoring methods based on vegetation index, is mainly applied for soil moisture monitoring in high-vegetation covered area. 植被供水指数法是基于植被指数监测土壤湿度的方法之一,主要应用于高植被覆盖地区的土壤湿度监测。
The optimization study of groundwater system management in thick windblown sands covered area. Aimed at the hydrogeology and water resource situation, fuzzy optimization theory is applied to groundwater management decision study. 厚风积砂覆盖区地下水系统管理优化研究针对神东矿区的具体水文及水资源状况,将模糊优化理论应用到矿区地下水管理决策研究中。